
Tecnologia do Blogger.

Updates from Blogsvertise

What's New at Blogsvertise?

  • New Task Opportunities with Twitter and Facebook
  • Sold your Blog? Got a new URL? Let us know!
  • Update to Task Assignment Email
  • Getting Your Tasks Approved - Tip

New Task Opportunities with Twitter and Facebook

We will soon be implementing a new type of task involving Twitter that will provide more options and opportunities for bloggers. In addition to writing about advertisers, you will now also be able to Tweet their URL and get paid extra. To be eligible for these opportunities, please enter in your Twitter URL by going to Edit Profile. For more information, read this article. We have also added a Facebook App that will also provide you with new task opportunities where you can get paid extra to "like" an advertiser on Facebook.

Sold your Blog? Got a New URL? Let us know!

If your blog's URL has changed recently, or if you have sold any of your blogs, please let us know. Providing us with the most up-to-date information can help us assign tasks to the right blog more efficiently.

Update to Task Assignment Email

We have updated the emails that bloggers receive when a new task is assigned to your blog. The new email will include a link that says "Please View Assigned Task Details". This link will take you to a page on the Blogsvertise website and you will be able to see the task instructions. You can also reach this page by going to Task Management and then clicking on the number next to the left of the task. This new update will ensure that you're getting the most up-to-date version of the task instructions.

Getting Your Tasks Approved - Tip!

Our advertisers frequently ask that bloggers use specific words for their anchor text. Anchor text refers to the word or phrase that you use to link to the advertiser's website. You can see what anchor text they would like you to use by reading the task notes in Task Management. Other times, advertisers will ask that bloggers use a URL-based link. A URL-based link is simply a link that uses the URL instead of a word or phrase. When an advertiser asks you to use a URL based link, all you have to do is copy and paste their URL into your entry and then make sure it is a clickable link.

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